Steve Dix...Comedian?

Raptus Regaliter

Oh My God, what am I DOING with my life?! I could have been an Astronaut!

09.03.2012 13:29 - New Gigs!

I'll be performing on March 13th at FCIK in Bonn at "Der Goldene Engel" Kesselgasse 1, 53111 in English, and at "Hollywood's Comedy Nights" on the 14th at Flanagan's Irish Pub in my capacity as Video Producer.  I'll also be performing up at Duisburg in Lars-Josef's comedy show on the 23rd.

In the meantime, I'll be trying to sort out this website, whilst also trying to get into our new offices and  finish off "Carnivor", our new website, and trying to get English-speaking gigs in Berlin, The Netherlands and Belgium. 

If any promoters would like to get in touch, please look at the "Contact" page.

Copyright © 2003-2011 Steve Dix